Link to view episodes of Rik's interviews on his TV Show, The Songwriter's Notebook.
Vermont Community Access Media ~ VCAM

Oral History of the sloop Clearwater with Pete Seeger & The Hudson River Sloop Singers

Songwriter’s Notebook
As most people have no idea just how many Song Writer’s notebook shows I have done, here is just a sample:
This Is Americana! (Highlights from the Americana Conference, Nashville TN)

Marty Stuart (Taped In Nashville TN)
Billy Faire (Taped in Texas)
Stephanie Legend (Taped at the Country Music Hall of Fame in Nashville)
Utah Phillips (2 shows) ( Taped in Nevada City California )
Utah interviews Rik
Pete Seeger (2 shows) (Taped in Beacon NY) Pete Seeger,
Song Writing 101 (Steve, Cindy Ann Hills) (Taped at the NJ Folk Festival)

Sara Lee Guthrie (Taped at the Guthrie center in MA)
Steve Gillette
Tom Paxton
Guy Davis
Roy Bookbinder
Bill Staines
Mary Mcaslin
Ellis Paul (Burlington Coffee House & Falcon Ridge)
David Onley
Greg Greenway

Were about 9
Margaret Macarthur
Lou & Peter Berryman
Bob Franke (2 Shows)
Elizabeth Von Trapp
Rachel Bissex ( 3 shows)
Bodie Wagner (Taped out in Ca)
Margo & Mark
Rick Robbins (Taped in MA)
Ronny Cox

at the Americana Conference
Walking Jim Stolz
Running Dog Guitars
Martin Guitars, One hour Show (Taped at the Martin Guitar Factory in PA)
Aston Martin cars (Taped in England)
Laconia Motorcycle Rally (With Orange Country Choppers & Sony Barger)
Danna Robinson
Deb Holland,
Open Roads Gypsy Festival (From Glasgow Scotland)
Anne Weiss
Paula Joy Welter (Taped in California)
Becky Grubs (Taped in AZ)
Joel Mabus
Gareth Hedges
Cowboy Ernie Sites
Lon Austin & Dean Cook (Taped in AZ)
High Frontier Poets (Taped in Texas)
Falcon Ridge Showcase #1Falcon Ridge Showcase #2
Richard and Elaine Harper (Taped in AZ)
Carol Abair Burlington

next to the Fox Brothers tour bus
Rebecca Padula
Josh Brooks
Lyle King
Song Writers group
Rachel Bissex & Jeff Miller – Show about the Burlington Coffee House
Aaron Flinn
Jon Gailmor
Pete Sutherland
Katherine Quinn
The Linder Bros
Chris Kleeman
Kate Barclay
North Country Fair

with fashion designer “Manuel,”
Nashville’s King of Western Couture
Mark Lovoie ( Blues and the Harmonica)
Robert Resnik/ Tony Nightingale – Show about Radio
Greg Douglas (3 shows)
Chin Ho
Eamon Flynn – Irish Music
Empty Pockets band
Gadfly Records
Yankee Chank
Paul Asbel

in Nashville
Michael Jonathon
Pumpkin Sail 99 (Taped on the Sloop Clearwater in NY)
Inca Sapi – South American Music
Hobo Fran (Taped in NH) – Show about Hobo history
Bill Hudson (Taped in NJ)
Folk Train 2000 (Taped in Canada)
Phoenix Folk Fest (Taped in AZ)
Pete Seeger & Friends at the Bitter End (taped in NY)
Anne Wenz – Music & Healing
Gary Oliver – Music & Cartoons
Bruce Taylor & Tao R. Seeger – Show about the 12 string guitar

LYCO Gypsy music (Taped in Scotland)
Carl Rubino (Copy Rights)
Wally Borman & Andy Hurlbut (Taped in AZ)
Mark Humphries
Sandy Ross
The Celtic Connections Festival (Taped in Scotland)
Pullman Hobos (Taped in train yards and Boxcars in Chicago )
On The Rails with the Rose Tattoo (Taped on the Green Mountain Flyer)

Access Television Studios
Clive Barnes – Guitar player from Ireland
Bruce Miller (Taped in Nashville TN)
Manuel the Rhinestone Designer (Taped in Nashville TN)
Barbara Cloyd at the Bluebird Café, (Taped In Nashville TN)
Pop Wagner – Cowboy Singer and trick roper
Wilfried Mengs family (Taped in Germany)
The Daft Tour (Taped in Germany)
The Lieder Tour (Taped in Germany)
The Wrights
Philo Record reunion
Shrinking violets
Saggio (Taped in AZ)
Around the Camp Fires at Falcon Ridge
The Champlain Valley Folk Festival highlights
Russian JAZZ Trio
Richard Ruaine
Ken Pearlman